An Estimated 3,287 children die every day in Africa from malaria. We have covered thousands of children along the way. Every time you purchase another child gets covered.

We have traveled across the world speaking to government officials and health professionals to assess and aid in the fight against malaria and other insect borne diseases. Your donations will help children and families in countries in North and South America, Africa, the Caribbean and Asia. Our methodology is based on the following pillars:



We team up with local media (Television, radio, internet and social media) to spread awareness, address misconceptions and solicit local partnerships. We sponsor events for local villagers and citizens to disseminate information about habits of mosquitoes and biting insects, diseases and prevention

This photo was taken from a village we worked in whereby the malaria infection rate was 97%


We believe that testing is a key step in the healing and saving process. Knowing the status of an individual determines the course of action — whether to Treat or to Cover. We partner with local health officials and media outlets to invite local citizens to be tested for Malaria.

We treat the infected person with medication. This medication is too expensive or just inaccessible to many, so they simply die. Malaria is treatable. 


To avoid reinfection, we can cover those at risk for infection and reinfection. When the person is tested, treated and covered, lives are saved. We believe in bednets but they only protect when someone is sleeping under them. 



Moskeeto Armor™ Everywear™ 24 Hour Travel Cover. is the key component for
transformation to take 
hold within the community and for sustaining long-lasting success.
Our independent studies and clinical trial show that when a person uses both 
a Bednet and our 24-hour Everywear™ Cover, they remain malaria-FREE

GIVE NOW and save lives

There are several ways you can help:

It costs $45.00 to send a full kit to have someone educated, tested, treated
and covered. You can give $15.00, $30.00, $45.00, or ANY amount as a
One-Time Gift or Recurring monthly Gift. 

No matter what you contribute, you are a LifeSaver

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